CARDET worked on forming a list of BRAVE participants following the BRAVE kick-off meeting. Activities designed, implemented and tested are in accordance with the project’s and consortium’s philosophy and aims as well as the participants’ needs as a group and individually. Due to this, the methodologies adopted varied, from in-class activities to out-of-class activities and from group-work and group reflection to individual work and self-reflection. The early days’ activities focused on the self (self-awareness, self-confidence), with emphasis on LEGO methodology and beyond, whereas other activities attempted to foster group awareness (getting to know the others). In later stages, especially with the activities after the LTTA in Valencia attempts are made to touch upon (and later on go into depth) professional development.
Sustainability-wise, LEGO methodology as well as self-empowering activities from the LTTA 1/ IO1 resources are constantly used amongst CARDET staff and LTTA participants from the Cypriot delegations with great success, either in school-based activities with children or in professional development initiatives with adults. They are also reported in the numerous dissemination activities, where CARDET successfully manages to spread the news about BRAVE in local, national, European and international events and initiatives.