Aims to empower unemployed adults who have difficulties in finding a new employment because of the increasingly specialised skills required by the market. To this end, BRAVE develops specific learning paths supporting adults to reconsider their life and expectations and to become aware of their own professional ambitions and objectives, as a way to reach their own personal fulfilment. The learning path is focused both on personal and social skills and on entrepreneurial skills, finalized to the prototyping of participants’ business models. The project provides skills at every level tailored on the new requisites demanded (basic, transversal & soft skills, entrepreneurial, foreign language & digital skills).TARGET GROUP
BRAVE empowers & motivates unemployed adults at risk of exclusion or adults willing to change their professional profile to raise their potentials & make them aware of their powers for the social good, for their personal growth & positioning in society. This was done through an innovative journey passing by self-development, creative thinking & exploration of own possibilities & potentials.RESULTS
Increased participants self-confidence, awareness, proactiveness and satisfaction towards one’s own future, wishes and opportunities, that reflect also on their families’ quality of life; increased social and communication skills, assertiveness; enhanced ICT/English language skills and digital competences; increased self-entrepreneurship, employability, courage to take challenges and confront with peers from other countries; new knowledge on business creation and development.DURATION
The duration of the BRAVE Project was 24 months: from the 1st November 2017 to the 31st October 2019The Project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus+ programme – KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of Adult education.
O1 BRAVE Innovative training program PHASE 1 - Unemployed adults' personal empowerment
The first part of the training programme was developed tested and validated at the local and transnational level. This part of the training program focuses on the personal potential of unemployed adults, to bring them to regain self-confidence, to believe and follow their personal aspirations and desires.
PHASE 1 - Personal Empowerment for Adults in Job Transition
O2 BRAVE Innovative training program PHASE 2 - Business model prototyping
The second part of the training programme was developed, tested and validated at the local and transnational level. This part of the training program aims at creating a tailored business model focused on the personal motivations and expectations. The business models created are available in IO3 Crowdsoucing platform.
PHASE 2 - Business model prototyping
Brave business models portfolio Annex
The BRAVE association was created aiming at transfering and exploiting the project results by strengthening other unemployed adults with the support of BRAVE LOCAL GROUPS as mentors, in a peer to peer approach.
O3 Crowdsourcing platform to gain insights on business models
More than 30 business models have been collected and published on the BRAVE Crowdsourcing Platform with business ideas.
O4 Publishing of MOOC 4.0 for increasing unemployed adults’ skills and competencies
MOOC 4.0 (Massive Online Open Courses) for increasing unemployed adults' skills and competences was created and tested. It is available online.
Other relevant outputs of the project are:
I. BRAVE LOCAL GROUPS in the project consortium countries (Italy, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Lithuania) with the participation of unemployed adults or adults who want to change their professional profile;
II. Ring of Mentors group composed by the staff of the partner organizations.
Creation of the BRAVE association: the objective is to transfer and exploit the project results by strengthening other unemployed adults with the support of BRAVE LOCAL GROUPS as mentors, in a peer to peer approach.
2 transnational training events (LTTA) were organised, aimed at testing and finalizing the BRAVE training program and for developing the business models of the BRAVE LOCAL GROUPS in the crowdsourcing platform:
- The first LTTA (C1) was organized in Valencia (ES), in June 2018 - with the participation of 5 representatives of the BRAVE LOCAL GROUPS from each country. C1 was aimed at applying and testing the O1 BRAVE Innovative training program PHASE 1.
- The second LTTA (C2) was organized in Modena (IT), in February 2019 – with the participation of 5 representatives of the BRAVE LOCAL GROUPS from each country. C2 was aimed at applying and testing the O2 BRAVE Innovative training program PHASE 2.
7 multiplier events (E1-E7) were organized at a local level in the partner countries and were aimed at disseminating the results of the project, addressing unemployed adults, policy makers, training centers, organizations and associations working with unemployed people, employment centers, social services, guidance / counseling services / mediation for the unemployed.